The generalized 3-connectivity.of equally complete k-partite graph and its line graph
The generalized 3- connectivity, internally disjoint trees, Steiner trees, the line graph, the complete k-partite graph.Abstract
For a vertex set S with cardinality at least 2 in a graph G, we need a tree in order to connected the set, where this tree is usually called a Steiner tree connecting S (or an S tree). Two Steiner trees T and T are said to be internally disjoint if V(T) V (T) S and E(T)
E(T) . Let ( ) G S denote the maximum number of internally disjoint Steiner trees connecting S inG. The generalized k-connectivity ( ) k G of a graphG which was introduced by Chartand et al. (1984) and defined as: ( ) min{ ( ) : ( ) and }. k G G S S V G S k In this paper. we determine the .generalized .3-connectivity of equally complete k -partite graph and its line graphs.

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