Voltage-Controlled Slow Light via Resonant Tunneling Induced Transparency in Vertically aligned Conical Double Quantum Dot Molecules
Quantum dot, Optical Buffer, Electronic states, Electromagnetically induced transparency, Tunneling induced transparency, Slow light.Abstract
The electronic states of InAs/GaAs quantum dot has investigated for vertically-aligned double conical quantum dots molecule (CQDM). We calculated Eigen energies as a function of external voltage, wetting layer thickness and inter-dot spacer. Tunneling-induced transparency (TIT) in vertically coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots using tunneling instead of pump laser, analogous to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in atomic systems, has studied. The inter-dot quantum coupling strength is tuned by static electric fields. For parameters appropriate to a 100 Gbits/s optical network, slow down factor (SDF) as 109 can be achieved. The scheme is expected to be useful to construct a variable semiconductor optical buffer based on TIT in vertically coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots controlled by electric fields.

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