Changes in Some of Heavy Elements Concentrations and Their Relationship with Some Environmental Factors in The Iraqi Coastal Water


  • B.A. Al abdulaziz, M. F. Abbas, F. J. Al-Imarah Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Basra – Iraq. Author


Iraqi coastal waters, Basrah oil port, Southern Iraq, Heavy metals


Five environmental factors were recorded in the areas near Basra oil port and near Buoy 17 in addition to the Umm Qasr Port. The three locations that are concerned within this study represent sites of movement of steamers and oil tankers. Where the monthly study was conducted on the changes occurring in the Electrical conductivity, water temperature, pH, turbidity and total dissolved solid. The current study indicated that the temperature values were within their annual rates as they ranged from 14-34 °C and the values of pH were that within the ranges prevailing characteristic of Iraqi coastal waters, while Electrical conductivity recorded low values during January in all study stations. Moreover, the turbidity and TDS have low values and high values were recorded in the first and second stations. The relation between those factors with four heavy metals Fe,Cd.pb and Zn was studied. This study is considered as a data base involving the many different parameters and alterable changes in the Iraqi marine waters, hence, it contains essential information which can be used for comparison in case of extension of salt tide to Shatt Al -Arab river.


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Environmental science